A natural approach to your pet's health

Support your pet’s health using a natural, safe and effective approach to encourage the body’s own incredible healing abilities. Homeopathy, Reiki and Bach flowers work as independent therapies or can be combined to assist with a wide range of health and behavioural issues. All types of animals respond to homeopathy, from rabbits, cats and dogs, to horses and farm animals.

"Liane Donovan is fulfilling a life-long dream to contribute
positively to the health and wellbeing of all animals. Inspired by her
experiences, both locally and internationally, Liane is professionally
trained to administer comfort and relief to animals in distress, in the
memory of a beautiful bear named 'Assisi' and walking in his footsteps
to provide compassionate and loving care to all in need. I admire her

                                                                                  Bob Kerridge - Animal Welfarist

Plants poisonous to your pets

February 10, 2025
We like to think that our pets will intuitively stay away from poisonous plants but that’s not the case. Chewing on some common garden flowers and shrubs or house plants can potentially make your pet very ill and even cause death. Below are some plants commonly found in New Zealand gardens and hom...
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